Channel: 吃喝玩樂 - Diary of a Growing Boy
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Everything everywhere all in my tummy day 3: a walk in the forest

On our third day in Japan, we once again dragged our asses out of bed at a relatively early hour. We had an appointment this morning and needed to get Foursheets her daily doses of coffee in the morning. Café Miel (カフェミエル) is just on the other side of Hakata Station, and it seemed like a quaint little place that one could easily find in Japan.

One could order coffee prepared one of four different ways, including siphon. Unfortunately we did not have a lot of time to wait for it, so I just got mine poured through a tea strainer. Figured I couldn't go wrong with the house blend "Miel (ミエル)".

We also needed a little food so I ordered the butter toast (厚切りバタートースト), which came with a tiny pad of butter, some blueberry jam and potato salad.

Had we enough time, I would have been curious enough to try their keema curry. Maybe next time...

The people at TeamLab (チームラボ) now has many, many installations around the world and one of them happens to be in Fukuoka. TeamLab Forest (チームラボフォレスト) takes up one of the floors at BOSS E・ZO FUKUOKA! right next to the Fukuoka PayPay Dome. There are other museums in the building, including the Oh Sadaharu Baseball Museum and a museum focused on "unko (うんこ)" - poop. Only in Japan...

The first room of the installation is by far the largest, and for me the most meaningful. Different types of fauna are digitally projected onto the walls or the floors, and through the dedicated app on a cellphone, one could "capture" them and discover information about the species - including habitat and conservation status according to the IUCN. This, to me, is extremely important. I really would like for as much of the world as possible to be educated and aware of the devastating impact that we are having on this planet, especially on species like Atlantic bluefin tuna and Southern bluefin tuna which are considered endangered thanks to overfishing.

But regardless of whether one cares about wildlife conservation - and I hope that everyone does care - it's still amazing to just immerse oneself in the beautiful display.

There were subsequent rooms which were also pretty and fun to walk through, and one really has to just go and experience for oneself.

We went back to the Tenjin (天神) area afterwards and decided to grab a quick lunch at Katsushin (かつ心) at Solaria Stage. Katsudon (カツ丼) has been my go-to dish since childhood, and I wanted to keep things light since we have an early dinner tonight.

We went back to our hotel and cleaned up for dinner, which would be our most-anticipated meal this time in Fukuoka.

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