Channel: 吃喝玩樂 - Diary of a Growing Boy
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Moving sticks

We've had a very long couple of days, packing and moving and all sorts of fun stuff. Both of us have been up since at least 6 a.m. this morning and running on adrenalin almost non-stop. So when we showed up 15 minutes late at Hidden (秀殿), Ogata-san took a look at us and wondered what the hell happened to the two of us...

We were tired but so happy to be here, especially Foursheets. She had been so excited to score 3 bookings last year in the span of about 6 weeks, and ended up not being able to make a single one. So it's been 6 months since she stepped foot in what is probably her favorite restaurant in Hong Kong.

Thirsty we were, and since I had forgotten to bring along a bottle of sake as planned, I started with a glass of Oolong tea + Kinmiya shochu (ウーロンハイ).

Awa-odiri fried chicken wing (阿波雄鶏手羽唐揚げ) - we always start with some of the restaurant's signature fried chicken wings, but tonight they looked downright gigantic! I made a remark about the size to Ogata-san, and we were told that they now use the Awaodori (阿波尾鶏) breed from Tokushima Prefecture (徳島県). Hey... bigger is not a bad thing!

Fried veggie fish cake (野菜のさつま揚げ) - Foursheets' must-order dish here. I found this a little more dry than I had remembered, bug it also meant a more crunchy exterior.

Japanese angelica shoots (タラの芽) - we were so happy to see that the Japanese spring vegetables (春野菜) were available, so I had to take this one.

Shrimp taro (海老芋) - we wouldn't dream of passing up this taro whenever we see it, and Foursheets was really happy. The texture is just incredibly smooth. We did ponder about having a second one...

Butterbur bud (蕗の薹) - I also never pass this up when it's in season, and savory the bitter flavors along with its distinctive fragrance.

Scallop salmon roe (ほたてタルタルいくら) - my favorite item here. Per SOP I shoved the whole scallop in my mouth for my "one bite", but as usual I failed to also take in all the salmon roe along with the tartare sauce. Still damn good, though.

Yes, the Awaodori (阿波尾鶏) chicken wing was so good that I had to do a second one.

Kogane pork wiener (黄金豚ウィンナー) - I've really come to love these wieners with their fatty pork. So, so sinful.

Spring onion pork flank roll (豚バラねぎ巻) - this is another favorite of mine, and tonight it also looked very different. The pork roll seemed to be bigger with more pork. Once again, Ogata-san and Suzuki-san confirmed that they changed the pork they use. There seems to be at least one more layer of pork rolled around the spring onion center, so the ratio has definitely changed.

Shiitake (しいたけ)

Asparagus and bacon (アスパラベーコン) - been a while since I had this, and I love the smoky and fatty bacon.

Herring roe on kelp (子持ち昆布) - another favorite. Love the springy bite between my teeth.

Sand borer with Japanese parsley (きす三つ葉) - love the moist and soft texture of sillago (鱚).

Oyster bacon roll (かきベーコン) - I saw another customer order this and remembered it has been some time since I last enjoyed one of these... and the interplay between the briny, creamy oyster and the salty, smoky pork was very enjoyable!

Napolitan spaghetti (ナポリタン) - I was a little surprised that Foursheets wanted this, but I would never say no! Always happy to enjoy this famous pasta dish from Juve Fan's hometown.

Special rich pudding (特製濃厚プリン) - Ogata-san knows that I must have their super delicious pudding with the caramel sauce on top. So, soooo happy to enjoy this again.

Calpis + Kinmiya shochu (カルピスサワー) - I took it easy and ordered this as my second drink. I should drink this more often, given my love of Calpis.

Very happy and satisfied. Time to go back to our new home and sleep among the unopened boxes...

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