Channel: 吃喝玩樂 - Diary of a Growing Boy
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Tokyo 2024 day 8: airline food again

We had a morning flight to catch this morning so we didn't have time for a proper breakfast. Instead Foursheets bought me a tamago sando (たまごサンド) from Family Mart. This was absolutely perfect and I finally got to have it before I left Japan.

We had a little bit of time before boarding our flight at Haneda Airport, so we parked ourselves at the JAL Sakura Lounge. I could smell Japanese curry as soon as I reached the self-service area for food, so I just had to try out the JAL signature house curry, with rice dispensed from a machine into a bowl. Not bad at all.

Once we were onboard, I was once again eager to taste the JAL inflight meal. This time around, though, I chose the yoshoku (洋食) option once I spotted hamburger steak (ハンバーグ) as the main dish...

There was a purple sweet potato and dried persimmon macaron (紫芋と干し柿のマカロン) to start, and honestly I didn't expect something this sweet as my first bite. The roasted beef tongue (牛タンのロースト) in the middle was pretty tasty, with a nice and springy texture. The mushrooms were marinated in vinegar.

The cheese tartlette (チーズタルト) came with two types of cheese, and I thought the top layer might have been port wine cheese while the bottom may have been some goat cheese. This was OK.

Onion consommé with mochi mugi barley, chicken and green onions (もち麦、鶏、万能ねぎのオニオンコンソメスープ) - I found this consommé pretty delicious.

Black pork and wagyu beef hamburger steak with balsamic sauce and pumpkin purée (黒豚と黒毛和牛のハンバーグ バルサミコソース 南瓜ピューレを添えて) - I thought the pumpkin purée was a better match with the hamburger steak than the balsamic sauce.

I really LOVED the hamburger steak. It's one of my favorite things from the yoshoku genre, and JAL did a very good job with it. So juicy.

Fresh fruits (フレッシュフルーツ)

I was really happy with my meal, and with my appetite satiated, I put my seat flat and caught some much-needed sleep before landing. It's been a very good trip and I'm grateful everything went fairly smoothly.

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