The pearl of LKF
It's been waaaaay too long since I last caught up with Fat Slim Donkey, so we made plans to have dinner together. Neither of us have been to Jinjuu, and I thought it was about time that I checked out...
View ArticleRediscovering an old favorite
The Specialist wanted to get together for dinner and some wine, and after our original plans of finding a suitable venue with Japanese cuisine fell through, we found ourselves back at Upper Modern...
View ArticleNot our usual Porn
Us MNSC boys aren't known for being organized, and when our new convenor is someone who doesn't live in this town... things get a little sloppy. Which is why we finally took it upon ourselves to set...
View Article50 more years
One of the MNSC boys is reaching a milestone this week - switching the big figure to 5-handle. It's a big excuse to throw a party, and Dr. Poon is throwing a few of them this week, so it made sense to...
View ArticleChiuchow classics
Ro Ro wanted to get together this weekend, and when her top two restaurant picks were both unavailable thanks to the last-minute nature of our gathering, we found ourselves at Sheung Hing Chiu Chow...
View ArticleA drunken Sunday afternoon
It has been quite some time since I last saw a couple of friends, so we have been overdue for a catch up. As one of them will be moving back to Tokyo soon, there was no longer any time to waste. When...
View ArticleI am Food Nazi
The Great One is entertaining some guests from out of town, and have been taking them around to different places to eat mostly local food. Tonight it was Seventh Son (家全七福)'s turn. It's actually been...
View ArticleClassic and fatty Peking duck
It's been a while since I last had the pleasure of Da Jam's company at a dining table, so when he suggested that we go and have some Peking duck at Spring Deer (鹿鳴春) - an old school place popular with...
View ArticleStand-ins for Mother's Day
Mother's Day is coming up tomorrow, and what with Mrs. Tigger not in town and all, Hello Kitty figured Babu would be all alone by herself. So we decided to take her out for dinner to keep her company....
View ArticleDroning on empty in Saikung
The weather was finally clearing up a little after a few days' of rain, and I was eager to take my drone out for a spin. I didn't want to do a strenuous hike, but wanted to fly over some clear water,...
View ArticleSine Qua Non toast, part 2
It's been about 6 months since a few wine lovers met for a rare gathering, and our organizer once again rounded up the troops. I would come back to Seventh Son (家全七福) for a second time in as many...
View ArticleMom wants it RAW
With very few exceptions, I have been flying home each year to celebrate the Parental Units' anniversary. Usually this involves the three of us at a fine dining restaurant, where I also pop open a...
View ArticleQuickie dim sum at night
I'm in Causeway Bay at night and in need of a simple meal. Hello Kitty wants congee for dinner, so I figured we should go and hit Ho Hung Kee (何洪記). The food is always reliable and the environment is...
View ArticleI'm Buckwheat!
Those who know me are familiar with my general rule when it comes to new restaurants - that I usually stay away from new openings, choosing to wait a minimum of 3 to 6 months before making my first...
View ArticleAnother pair of black dragons
Ro Ro and Hello Kitty were planning to hang out together this weekend, and were kind enough to invite Chef RC and I to join them. Hello Kitty has had a craving for the kushiage (串揚げ) at Hidden (秀殿),...
View ArticleReturn of the classics
娜姊 and I have been talking about meeting up to drink a few bottles together, and finally managed to pin down a date when we're all available. She invited a sommelier friend along, and the five us...
View ArticleThe giant eel and the giant peach
It's the Zhongmeister's birthday, and he organized a get together for a few of us. I had only been to The Chin's (中華匯館) once right when it first opened, and I thought the food was pretty damn good....
View ArticleEarly birthday dinner
Chef RC's birthday is coming up, and Ro Ro suggested that we get together for a joint birthday celebration for both Chef RC and myself. As Chef RC has yet to have the chance to check out Frantzén's...
View ArticleWines in the hood
Rice wanted to get together and open a few bottles, and chose to book a table for the three of us at Neighborhood. I guess he's also become quite a fan of The Man in White T-Shirt over the years, and...
View ArticleDroning Boy: Shek O
It's been waaaaay too long since the last time I went to fly my drone, thanks to a combination of poor weather, hangovers, and just plain laziness. So I was really looking forward to getting in some...
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